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Why Make A Wish List?

Our wishlist appointments are one of our most popular experiences at DC.

These obligation-free consultations allow you to develop your very own engagement ring ‘wishlist’ - with all the things you dream of for your perfect ring! 

Explore And Learn

Our Wishlist appointments give you a chance to try on as many or as few rings as you like, discuss any design ideas you may have and learn everything you need (or want) to know about diamonds.

And of course, you'll get to play with different diamond shapes and sizes to get a feel for what you love most!

Take Away The Guesswork

You're welcome to come alone or with a friend - some people bring their partner and experience it together.

We often have partners booking their significant others’ in for a wishlist appointment. This takes all the guesswork out of ring shopping making everyone happy!

We will keep all details of your Wishlist appointment on record so when your other half is ready to take the next step, we can just get your profile up and begin the process.

Maintain The Suprise Factor

When the time comes for purchasing your ring, we will keep everything very discrete so the proposal itself can still be a surprise!

We’ve become VERY good secret-keepers over the years.

Want to book a Wishlist Appointment?

Fill in the form below and we'll be in touch asap.